First off, I've been VERY bad about keeping this blog up to date. In fact, I haven't updated it since beginning my prep for the Muscle Beach Classic. My intention had been to update at least weekly, but life got crazy (what else is new) and I sort of fell off board with it. Oops.
With that said, after competing almost 2 weeks ago, I've been in recovery mode. Hitting the weights again has left my body tired and sore this past week, but I have to admit that it feels really good. I'm steadily gaining back my strength in order to start lifting heavy again and work towards my next competition....which may be as far out as one year from now. I need it.
So....what's next!? Well, with the move across country, change of career path, emotional ups and downs of pretty much starting life over with a clean slate these last 8 months, along with dieting, my body is begging for a more stable, increased calorie diet. Plus, I know that I need this in order to grow muscle and improve my physique for the next show. My next challenge is to take the stage in Culver City, Los Angeles with the NPC organization....sometime in Spring/Summer 2013! After all, "13" IS my lucky number ;o)
Reflecting back on how I did in the Muscle Beach Classic, I am thrilled with how far I've come since my first competition ever in May 2011 at the OCB Beyond Nutrition Natural in NJ. I was far more strict with my diet and training during the last 12 weeks out from show, and my "off-season" training was pretty intense - rarely missing a scheduled training day. I learned that patience, dedication, and hard work really do pay off and are such important qualities to have, not just in physique competitions, but life in general.
I have to say that as much as I LOVE the excitement and adrenaline rush of competition day, I am very much looking forward to taking some time to really work on my more difficult areas to gain muscle (delts & back!) and further improving my "easier" to build areas (hammies & glutes!) and just improving in general, and of course, ENJOYING the journey of getting to the next stage of my figure career!
I've decided I've now come far enough along in my journey as an amateur figure athlete to show a before and after comparison of the very first picture taken since deciding to compete (2010) and a picture from competition day at Muscle Beach just 2 weeks ago!
That's it for now. Who knows when the next update will be! See you in the gym ;o)